Page:The History of the Church & Manor of Wigan part 1.djvu/122

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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

Robt Gorse.
John Byrchall of Assheton.
Robt. Rasbothom.
Gawan Atherton.
John Sadon.
Matth. Byrchall.
Olyver Orell.
James Whytyll.
Thos. Hoghton.
Oliver Eyes.
Roger Hassyldeyne.
Matth. Plat.
Robt. Browne.
Olyver Laythwayt.
Edw. Plat.
Thos. Smythe.
Gilbert Hyndley, jun.
John Hyndley.
Robt. Lawe.
Gilbert Lawe.
Seth Downall.
Raufe Taliour.
John Nayler.
Peres Wynstanley.
Humphrey Wynstanley.
Edm. Bury.
Gilbert Ascrofte.
James Lawe, jun.
Nich. Leche.
Robt. Straunge.
John Assheton.
Robt. Slynehed.

Olyver Legh.
Hugh Dyke.
Thos. Grymshagh.
Brian Molyneux.
Hugh Assheton.
Roger Kylner.
Raufe Hyndley.
Nich. Lawe.
Huan Lawe.
Humphr. Plat.
Alex. Worthyngton.
James Higham.
Edm. Wynstanley.
Hugh Wakefelde.
Wm. Wynstanley.
Arthur Rylance.
Humphr. Bury.
James Molyneux, jun.
Roger Raynford.
Robt. Wynstanley.
Lawrence Fayrclogh.
Rich. Mershe.
Bryan Fayrhurst.
John Wynstanley, sen.
Humphr. Orell.
Hugh Barton.
James Smethurst.
Thos. Orell, jun.
Laur. Cartwryght.
John Legh.
Roger Fayrbrother.
Robt. Rylance.

and others to the number of 200 persons and above.

"These be the riotouse persons of Wygan whiche accompanyed