Page:The History of the Church & Manor of Wigan part 1.djvu/62

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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

thereof, and of others resident therein, with all things belonging or appertaining to a view of this kind: and that the same men, tenants and residents, may be acquitted for ever from the sheriff's tourns, and that they may not be bound to come to the same tourns for the future nor be in any wise compelled thereto; and that the said John and his successors aforesaid may for ever have cognizance of all pleas by their bailiffs there, as well concerning lands, tenements, and rents, existing within the said borough and the liberty thereof, as concerning transgressions, covenants, contracts, and complaints, within the said borough arising or made; and also of pleas of assizes concerning tenures within the said borough and the liberty thereof, which shall happen to be arraigned before us and our heirs, and before the justices of us and our heirs assigned to hold the assizes in the county of Lancaster; and also of pleas de vetito namio and other pleas whatsoever there arising; and that our justices and others whomsoever, before whom pleas of this sort shall be brought, or assizes of this sort shall happen to be arraigned, when the cognizance of those pleas and assizes shall be required on behalf of the aforesaid John, or his successors aforesaid, shall transfer them to them without difficulty, and shall cause the original writs and processes, if any therein shall have been had, to be delivered to them or their bailiffs aforesaid; and that no burgess of the said borough, or other resident in the same, shall be called upon to plead, or be impleaded, before us or our heirs, or any justices, sheriffs, or officials, of us or our heirs, out of the borough aforesaid, concerning land and tenements which are in that borough, nor concerning trangressions, covenants, contracts, or complaints, arising in the same borough, or concerning any matters arising therein, but all pleas and complaints of this sort which shall happen to be summoned or attached out of, or within, the said borough to be pleaded before us, or our heirs, or our justices of the Bench, or other our justices or officials (ministris) whatsoever, whether in the county or elsewhere, shall be pleaded and summoned within the said borough before the bailiffs of the Parson of the said