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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

an obligac'on upon me, that have undertaken this work of mediation, yet wth soe much care of yor lops interest and her duty that, till she hath acknowledged and submitted to the measure of her faults and yor desire, I leave her under the crosse of yor lops displeasure. But that being by her duly pformed, I will presume to intercede, that undeserved mercy and goodness to her and her children send this temporary favor to him that is able to recompence it wth an eternal weight of glory; this is the purchase that I know yor lop aimes at, and this is the certaine way to it; and if I may receave the honor to p'vaile wth yor lop in this suite I shall attribute some meritt to my selfe, yet nothing to diminish either yor lop glory or my obligation, wch will give yor lop a just tide to all the service wthin the power of

yor lops affectionate
frinde and servaunt,
Dutchie House              E. Newburgh[1]
Novemb. 1629."

Alice Letherbarrow accordingly came to the bishop's house at Lever on the 29th of March, 1630, and there gave up to him the key of the said water corn mill, acknowledging that she had no right to the said mill, and desired him to forgive her obstinacy and pretence of title or claim to that mill, which she says that she made, not of her own accord, but by the instigation of some of her friends, but now she sees that she has done wrong to him and herself thereby. She desires forgiveness and renounces all claim, title, or interest in that mill, either by lease or any other way, and beseeches him to be good to her therein. But, because he has resolved, for the clearing of all claims hereafter, to take it into his own hands and possession, he records that he has this day taken the key and will keep it for a while in his own possession. To which are attached the signatures of the bishop and Alice Letherbarrow before many witnesses. The same day he delivered the key to Mr. Robert Barrow to keep for him till he should otherwise dispose of it, and desired him to appoint the miller Gilbert Cookson to grind for him, and in his (the bishop's)

  1. Original letter, inter Family Evidences.