Page:The History of the Church & Manor of Wigan part 2.djvu/204

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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

holie sacramts are wholie neglected and omitted, and the same converted to private uses to the dishonor of God and scandall of religion; whereupon wee confesse o'selves justlie moved wth the said informacon and hould it necessarie that thinges soe much amisse should be speedilie reformed: Wee therefore reposinge great confidence in your care doe hereby require you to informe yorselfe what meanes the said severall ministers or curates have in ye said Rectorie & Chappells and from whom and out of what profitts such allowances doe arise, and what addicon you conceive fittinge to be made, and in what manner for their better maynetennance hereafter; that upon notice thereof wee may give such order as shalbe expedient And whereas wee are satisfied that the profitts of the said Rectorie and Chapelries are great and have of late yeares bene received by Sr Ralphe Ashton, by collour of a Lease (as wee are informed) not good in lawe; Wee hold it therefore fitt that the validity of ye same be in due time questioned. And likewise in respect that he suffers the house of God to be prophaned, and those yt attend in ye said Church and Chappells to want necessaries, and some of the chancells of ye said Chappells to goe to decaie rather then he will spare any competencie out of God's owne porcon few their support: Wee therefore doe declare or will & pleasure, and hereby require and command you that you sequester soe much of the tythes of the said Rectorie & Chappellries wthin your dioces into ye hands of some p'sons of ability as you shall hold competent as well for the supplie of the said ministers & curates as also for the repaire of so manie of the chancells of the said Chappells as ye proprietarie thereof ought to meynteyne. Given under or signett at c/ Court at Oatelands the seven and twentieth day of July in the eleventh yeare of or Reigne."

"S. in Xpo

"My very good Ld

I here send these my Lrs after you wth an answere to my Ld Strange's inclosed, wch I shall desire your Lp to take care may be safely delyvered. And if you chance to see my Ld or his ffather in ye country I doubt not but yt you will p'sent my best respects unto yem and let yem know how kindly I take theyr Noblenes shewed in this busynes. And for yorselfe I shall hartily pray you to continue yor care and watchfulnes over it, and yt you will doe what in you lyes to bringe it to perfeccon wth all the