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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

to enter therein, and concluding with these words: "We command you, therefore, that, all excuses set apart, you repair to your lands in the said county, so that you be there on the 1st March next at the latest, with your family and retainers, well arranged and with competent arms, and that you continue there until you hear the contrary from us. In default whereof we shall take the said lands into our hands, and shall cause to be found, out of the profits thereof, persons sufficient for their safe custody."[1]

Two days later, with the object of raising a subsidy from the clergy for the same purpose, the following order in council was made:

"At Whitehall ye 29th of January, 1638[9]: It was this day ordered by his Matie sitting in Counsell that the Lords Archbishops of Canterbury and Yorke their Graces should be hereby required and commanded to write their lr̃es to all the Lords Bishops, in their severall provinces respectively, forthwth to convene before them all the clergie of ability in theire Dioceses, and to invite them, by such waies and meanes as shall be thought best by theire Lorps, to aide and assist his Matie with their speedy and liberall contributions, or otherwise, for defence of his Royall Person and of this kingdom against the seditious attempts of some in Scotland. And that the same be sent to the Lord Treasurer of England with all diligence.

(Sealed with the seal of that board, and subscribed)

Tho: Coventry, C.S. Guil: London. Manchester
Lenox. Lindsey Arundell & Surrey. Dorsett
Pembroke & Montgomery Holland. ffra: Cottington.
H. Fane. J. Coke. ffran: Windebanke."

In pursuance of which order the bishop of Chester received the following letter from the archbishop of York:

"Salutem in Xp̃o.

My very good Lord,

I have received an order from the Lords of his Maties most honorable privy Counsell giving mee notice of the great preparations made by some
  1. Cal. State Papers, Domestic Series, 1638-9 vol. ccccx. No. 51.