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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

there is of the haynousnes of the present busines and enterprise in them that are neerest to his Matie, and may best sound the depth thereof I impart to yow, sub sigillo, this clause of a private lr̃e from a very honorable frend, vizt 'The Scotch busines is starke nought, and, whatsoever glosse may be thought to be put upon it, it is growne to be as foule a treason as ever was hatched in any kingdome. And, if the resolutions wch are yet taken doe not vary, the King will be inpers on at Yorke (God willing) by the beginning of April with a good army.'

This much I thought good privately to impart unto yow, wch I am assured yow will take to hart, and will be thereby the more incited to the serious transacting of this his Maties service that soe neerly concerneth his Matie with the safety of this kingdome and church of England. To wch our indeavors God of his mercy give a happy successe. Sic nos Deo; and I rest

yor Lorps very loving frend & Brother,

Bpthorp 9o ffebruarii, 1638. R. Ebor.

Postscript, The valuation to be understood according to the rate in ye King's books."[1]

In the meantime bishop Bridgeman received from Lord Savage what appears to have been a special appeal for assistance in raising local troops:

"My Lord. I have receaved lr̃es from his Matie intymateing the great fforces raised by traiterusly affected p'sons in his Kingdome of Scotland, and of his highnes' resoluc̄on to be at Yorke the first of Aprill next whear he hath com̄anded me to attend his royall p'son & standard wth such fforces as my honor & interest to the publique safety of this Kingdome obligeth me unto. Now in regard the s'vice is of such importance and for the com̄on safety whearin yor Lordship as my selfe is involved; and that the suddenes of the s'vice is such as that I cannott wthout assistance so p'fectly be p'pared for so important s'vice, yo' Lop being my noble ffrend, and one in whom I p'sume to have power, I have thought fitt to acquaint yu wth his Maties com̄ands to me, and to desire yor Lops assistance to furnish me wth some foot & horse in redynes for the s'vice com̄anded whearin the exp'ssion of yor noblenes and
  1. Family Evidences.