Page:The History of the Church & Manor of Wigan part 2.djvu/24

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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.
rods to both 5s: also 4 half-headed bedsteds 30s: cords to them 4s: also 2 trūdle beds more 10s 6d: a count cupbord in parlor 10s: another in bps chamber 9s 7 19 2
It. Taylor's bord in the taylors chamber & shelfs 0 10 0
It. a writing desk wth boxes in it 8s: two cases of boxes 5s: a pump made by the brewhouse (besides the ... ) 20s 1 13 0
It. bellowes 18d: panyers for lambs 3s 4d ... (sic) 0 4 6
It. a great trunk wth bandboxes under it 0 14 0
It. a bandbox lethered for my wife 5s: another for myself 2s 0 7 0
It. A fire shovel & tongues wth brasse tops 3s: a lesse pair 2s: iron chimny in Mr. Wildbore's chamber 7s: in garden chamber 5s: in bishop's chamber 7s: in kitchin chamber 3s: in parlor 6s: in kitchin 50s: spits 4s: mock beggars 3s: ... 18d: hooks & eyes 5s: 2 pr. of iron dogs 3s 2d: frying pan 18d: lamps 2s: fire fork 1s: casement in Bishop's chamber 18d ... (sic) 5 4 2
It. a skillet 3s 4d: brasse ladle 1s: a morter of bell mettall 7s 0 11 4
It. 2 great peuter candlesticks 5s: a chamber pott 18d 0 6 6
It. Lether jacks one conteyning a pint 8d, a quart 1s, a pottle 18d, a gallon 4s 0 7 2
It. spent in victuals in my house from Michelmas 1615 till Christmas 1616, that is a year & quarter, besides all the corne of Wigan barn, & all yt I took in from Billing Pemberton & Aspull 202 2 11
Sm̄ spent this year & quarter ending this Christmas 1616 1429 12 7

In April, 1617, Dr. Bridgeman attended the King in his progress into Scotland, where he was in waiting in the months of April, May, June, and July, during which time he frequently preached before his Majesty at Barwick, Edinburgh, Holyrood, and Hamilton.