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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

this country and to Ireland to seek for succour and relief. Some of these had been taken under the King's own care; some he had recommended to the Lord Keeper for such benefices as did not exceed £100 per annum; and the archbishop now tells the bishops of Durham, Chester, and Carlisle, by the King's command, "to provide for one or more of them according as any benefice within the value aforesaid shall fall void within their gift and disposition respectively."[1] The bishop of Durham is to provide for two, and the bishops of Chester and Carlisle for one each.

In the following year bishop Bridgeman received a letter from Laud thanking him for a horse which he had sent him and offering him the use of a horse while he was attending parliament in London:

"S. in Xp̃o.

My very good Lo:

I perceave by bringing your sonne into an office see neare mee I have brought a Blabb into my house. For I cannot have a horse dye but hee gives knowledge of itt to your Lpp, and then by and by you send mee another. I am very glad you are soe well furnisht; but I would not have you empty your owne Stable to fill myne; especially att this tyme, when you must have use of a good one your selfe to come upp, & when you are here, to ride to parliament. Howsoever, I hope I shall see you shortly; and then I will thanke you for your kindenes; and shall bee able to spare you this horse wch you have given mee for you to ride to parliamt if you please to save the charges of bringing upp another. How you are fitted for a lodging when you come I know not. But here is a neighbor's house of myne at Lambeth, very convenient, wch you may have wholley to your selfe if you will. And I pray send mee word with as much speede as you can whether you like it or noe; for itt will cost you little, and you may goe over ye water with mee in my Barge. Soe to God's blessed protection I leave you & rest

yor Lps very loving friend and Brother,

Lambeth, March 10th, 1639-40. W. Cant.[2]
L. B. Chester."
  1. Family Evidences.
  2. Ibid.