Page:The History of the Church & Manor of Wigan part 2.djvu/263

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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

in Christo; cujus reliquiæ mortales sub marmore
juxta hunc parietem locatæ in resurrectionem supremo die futuram, & omnibus Deo per fidem inservientibus reconduntur. In memoriam
proavi sui optimè
meriti hoc monumentum posuit Johannes Bridgman, Baronettus, 21 Die
Decembris an. Dom. 1719.

By his wife Elizabeth Helyar bishop Bridgeman had a numerous family, of whom but five survived the years of their infancy. The births of his children are thus recorded in his memorandum book:

1. William, my first son borne at Dunchideock in Devonshire 4 Febr. 1606 [1606-7]. He dyed and was buryed in Wigan Chancel 26 July 1616.

2. The 30th day of January Anno 1608 [1608-9] being Monday about a quarter or half an hour before 12 of the clock in the night was my second sonne Orlando Bridgeman born. O Lord God I beseech thee make him thy faythful servant and graunt him life so long as may most glorify thee. He was baptized in St George's church in Exeter 2 days after by Mr More. My uncle Jasp' Bridgeman & Mr Edward Gibbons were his godfathers & Mrs Elacot godmother.

3. My third sonne Dove Bridgeman was borne on Wednesday the 21th of March 1609 [1609-10] about 3 of the clock in the afternoone or a little before 3 in Bp Dove's pallace in Peterborough in the chamber over heven gates. O Lord blesse him and let him live & dye in thy fayth & favor. Christened 23 of March, Mr Wm Dove & Mr Tho: Warner godfathers & Mrs Marget Dove the Bps wife godmother, in peterborow minster, by Mr Johnson the chaunslor in the midest of the Quire befor the Bps seat ther.

4. On Tuesday a little after 7 of the clock at night being 3rd of September [1611] my fourth sonne was borne, & being very weak was presently christened John. Mr Malcome Johnson Mr Anthony Green & Mrs Dorathe Wager godfathers &c. God blesse him with all graces & continue him for ever in his favor &