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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

likewise by the death of Mr. Morrise & Mr. Bennet, he encreased the rents thereof to such summs (or somewhat less) as the sd: Deans sett them at to their deputies, viz: Warrington Deanery for 27lib yearly, Leland Deanery for 10lib yearly, & Blackbume Deanery for 13lib: 6s: 8d yearly; in toto 50lib for the Archdeacon of Richmond.

And because the Bpp̃s have few preferments besides to bestow upon their Chaplains, he hath reserved the Deaneries of Manchester & Amounderness for that purpose. And because the old rent issuing out of those Deaneries to the Bp: should not be lost, & so the Bp's revenue yearly impaired, he hath a purpose, & doth entreat his Successors for the good of their Posterity, that when the other Deaneries of Copland, Furness, Lonsdal, Richmond, Catherick, & Burrowbrig fall void, their rents may be encreased to the summe of 36lib & so the antient revenue may be continued, & the 100lib to the Archdeacons clearly saved. Yet for the present he was constrained to grant them in patent (or rather only to exchange the name of the patentee) to Mr Joseph Cradock, only pro vitâ, who is now Commissary of Richmond, upon Mr Manwaring's resignation of his patent, who had the said Commissaryship & the sd: Deaneries with patent before this time for two Lives, viz: for his own & Mark Pickering's Life. So as now there is only one Life in the sd: Deaneries, whereas usually there was two Lives before.

He built the Bp's Stall in the Quire Ao. 1635 & a fair new Pulpit right over against it ao. 1637 & gilded the organs in the Cathedral, & made a new sett of pipes in it. He raised the steps towards the Communion Table, & made the wall & partition there, & tooke in the two highest pillars at the end of it to enlarge the Quire: & he glazed the east window over it, with the story of the Annunciation, Nativity, Circumcision, & Presentation of our Saviour, & built two lofts, behinde the north & south sides of the Quire & the partition between the body of the Cathedral & St Oswald's Church. And he made a fair seat at the south side of St Oswald's Church under the great south window, of three stories, the highest whereof was for the Bp: the Dean & Chapter & Chancellor to sett in, & the middle seat for the Quire & Consistorians to sitt in, the lowest for the Choristers & Scholars, with others belonging to the Church & Churchmen. He erected a Font at the west end of the Church, & whereas the stone windowes of the Church were so