Page:The History of the Church & Manor of Wigan part 2.djvu/5

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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

In the meantime, namely, on 29th April, 1606, he married, in Dunchideock church, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. William Helyar, archdeacon of Barnstaple, rector of Dunchideock and canon of Exeter.[1]

Their eldest son, William Bridgeman, was born on 4th February, probably in his grandfather's house, at Dunchideock, where he was baptized on 6th February, 1606-7. He died at Wigan in the 10th year of his age, on the 26th of July, 1616,[2] and was buried on the following day in the chancel of Wigan parish church.[3]

In the year 1607 Mr. John Bridgeman was presented to the vicarage of Heavitree, near Exeter.[4] It is probable that at this period of his life he resided at Exeter, for his second son Orlando (afterwards Lord Chief Justice and Lord Keeper of the Great Seal) was born there on 30th January, 1608-9, and baptized at St. George's church in that city two days afterwards by Mr. More, the sponsors being Mr. Jasper Bridgeman (his great uncle), Mr. Edward Gibbons, and Mrs. Elacot.[5]

On 5th October of that year he left Exeter with his household and took up his residence at Peterborough, where he lodged at first in the palace of the bishop, whom he paid for his diet at the rate of £20 per annum; and on 28th October he was chosen by the dean and chapter, receiver and treasurer of the cathedral church of Peterborough. His third son, Dove, was born at Peterborough in the bishop's palace on 21st March, 1609-10, and baptized in the cathedral on the 23rd of the same month.

In 1610 he resigned the rectory of North Tawton and the

  1. Ibid. In Le Neve's Fasti it is stated that William Helliar (Helyar) was collated to the archdeaconry of Barnstaple 27th November, 1605, and died about the end of 1645, ætat. circa. 90. The date of his appointment to the canonry in Exeter cathedral is not given by Le Neve, but Naylor's promotion in 1661 is said to be "vice William Helyar." There had probably been no canon appointed during the troublous times that followed upon his death until after the Restoration. His wife's gravestone in Exeter cathedral distinctly mentions his canonry. She was the daughter of William Cary, gent., of the Cockington branch of that family.
  2. Family Evidences.
  3. Wigan par. Reg.
  4. Family Evidences.
  5. Ibid.