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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

Besides Calves Croft, nere the pound, which parson Fleetwood kept in his hand, but Dr. Massy let Alexander Lathwait rent it, but I have leased it to Lawrence Prescot durante bene placito for 40s. yearly. It is a close of about an acre; lying behind the house of Lawrence Prescot, [having] only a toft between them.

The Leas, which is a moiety of that close next to the highway by the pound, below the parsonage house; the other half of which close is now possessed by Jenet, the wife of — Greenough; the last year I kept it in my hand, but this year my Baylife hath sett the hay thereof to Jo. Hyde for 33s. 4d.; quære how Greenough holds the rest?

Cuckstool Croft, at the lower end of Walgat, taken out of the highway 114 years since, and lately occupied by Alexander Lathwait ad placitum, but last year I kept it in my hand, and this year I set it to Wm Brown of Walgat for 16s., being about half an acre or less.

Smalshaws Croft, which I took into my hands after the death of Widow Lathwait, and have since lett it to Robt. Smalshaw for 10s. yearly rent. It is a long narrow piece, and lyes in . . . between . . ."[1]

It should be stated for the information of the reader that in every acre of 8 yards to the pole there are 10240 square yards; in every acre of 7 yards to the pole are 7840 square yards, and in every acre of 5½ yards (that is, a statute acre) 4880 square yards; so that 100 acres of 8 yards to the pole is 133­⅓ acres of 7 yards to the pole and 211½ of statute acres.[2]

Almost the whole of the land in the manor or township of Wigan was now occupied, chiefly by tenants in fee, who held by fealty, and in most cases either in socage[3] or by certain small annual chief rents; in some cases ancient burgages were held by the heirs or assigns of the old burgesses at a rent of 12d. a year, and in some cases lands, houses, or closes were held by tenants

  1. Wigan Leger, fol. 30, 31.
  2. Ibid., fol. 1.
  3. See page 32, note.