Page:The History of the Church & Manor of Wigan part 2.djvu/71

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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

now wife to Wm. Brown [of Chester], for her cottages wherein Core and Mason dwell, 2s. 8d.; Roger Lathwayt[1] 6d.

He also received payments for reliefs of tenants at their death, namely, of Elizabeth the wife of Mathew Markland and two others, but the amount is not given. Item, a pair of white gloves from Mr. Gerard of Ince with 1s. 4d.; Item, profits of actions at his Wigan Court Baron, which he gave to the officers, except at the court before Christmas when Mr. Walton gave him 3s. for it; Item, from amerciaments at the Leet held at Easter, most of which he forgave, but he received it first into his hand and then gave it back, only he made old Wm. Ford pay 1s. and Peter Marsh 1s., and some other of the aldermen and burgesses, making in all 10s.; Item, from profits of the fair held in Wigan at Ascension, 1619, by his steward Wm. Fleetwood, in the absence of Richard Walton his chief steward, nil; Item, from profits of the

  1. Roger Lathwait's take for which he paid 6d. yearly, as a tenant at will, was part of a cottage, croft, and garden in Wigan Woodhouses, whereof the other portion was his own freehold (Wigan Leger, fol. 42).