Page:The History of the Church & Manor of Wigan part 2.djvu/81

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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

bailiffs of Wigan, Hugh Langshaw and William Case, whom I had served in Michaelmas term to appear in Star Chamber to answer unto those wrongs they had done me and my tenants by layes and taxes to maintain suits, and for pulling me from the bench, and many other riots and conspiracies, came unto me at Wigan Hall and desired me that, — Whereas they should have appeared in Candlemas term last, and, upon their humble entreaty and promise to make an acknowledgment and amends, I had then spared their appearance and took their promise that they should appear gratis the first return of this Easter term (for which purpose Mr. Leigh, parson of Standish, and Mr. Edward Rigby, of the Braigh, had much importuned me), and also because they and the mayor and corporation of Wigan had last week (in the presence of the said Mr. Leigh and Mr. Rigby) submitted themselves unto me, acknowledging my right in the liberties of Wigan, and promising to take up the two fairs, the two markets, the two leets, and the other liberties from me by lease had offered me and my successors twenty nobles yearly for the same, and to this end had entreated me that the next term I would go up to London and sue unto his majesty for a renovation of my charters, and a license to demise the liberties