Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/173

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Island of Dominica.

and the perſon who did not comply, was impriſoned, or ſent off the iſland. By this means, upwards of ſixty in every hundred head of cattle in the country were deſtroyed during his Government; and this ordinance was carried into execution with ſuch rigour by him, that if either by detention, by bad weather, or delay, by reaſon of the diſtance of the eſtate from Roſeau, the cattle were not there in time, a party of ſoldiers, with their muſkets loaded, were immediately ſent out, to kill any horned beaſt that fell in their way.

By this arbitrary proceeding, many fine milch cows of the inhabitants in the town fell victim to his wrath on theſe occaſions; and what was particularly hard upon the owners of them, they were obliged to bear the loſs without repining, and to put up with being paid as for ordinary beaſts, and waiting for that payment a long time.
