Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/19

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Island of Dominica.

eſpecially, that people who reſide there are obliged to uſe woollen coverings on their beds, in the ſame quantity as in winter time in England.[1]

The climate is, however, reckoned very wholeſome, eſpecially in thoſe places where invalids uſually go for the recovery of their health, which is frequently re-eſtabliſhed by a few weeks reſidence there, Beſides, a good breeze generally blows from the mountains moſt part of the day, which greatly moderates the heat on the ſea coaſt; and perſons who live there temperately are ſeldom afflicted with the diſorders, incident to moſt other Weſt India iſlands.

  1. In the interior parts of this iſland, it is impoſſible to preſerve ſalt in its proper ſtate; for as ſoon as it is brought thither, it diſſolves into a thick liquid, from the remarkable dampneſs of the air. This dampneſs is alſo prejudicial to articles of furniture that are glued, which frequently, after a long ſucceſſion of rain, will fall to pieces.
