Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/201

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Island of Dominica.

blew it up, a few days before they evacuated the iſland, thereby rendering it uſeleſs. However, the aqueduct, by which it was ſupplied with water, has been ſince diſcovered, and is of great uſe to that fortification, which is, upon the whole, well calculated for the defence of the town, when attacked only from the ſea; but being under the command of other heights above it, it would ſoon be rendered untenable, was it to be attacked on the land-ſide, as was the caſe the laſt war.

Demoullen's Hill fort is alſo well mounted with cannon, and is otherways well provided for the defence of the town; but it is ſubject to the ſame inconveniences as the other fortifications, being under the command of the heights above it.

Theſe are the chief fortifications in Dominica at preſent, except that at Caſhacrou,
