Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/210

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The History of the

The Houſe of Aſſembly of Dominica conſiſts of nineteen Members, who are the repreſentatives of the people of the iſland, and are choſen by votes of the freeholders in each pariſh, in conſequence of a writ iſſued for that purpoſe by the Commander in Chief, to the Provoſt Marſhal of the place. Their office is, to prepare all public acts of the colony, which acts cannot be paſſed without their concurrence; to maintain the rights and privileges of their conſtituents, and to promote the happineſs of the people of the country, as well as the intereſts of the Crown.

The Speaker of the Aſſembly's place is of great truſt and reſpectability. Nine of the Members form a Houſe, where they are attended by a Serjeant at Arms with the mace, who acts as Meſſenger, and who, with the Clerk of the Aſſembly, is paid a yearly ſalary by the colony.
