Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/46

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The History of the

Dominica is viſited in the hurricane months by wild ducks, curlews, plovers, and ſnipes; but not in ſuch numbers at a time, as they are uſually ſeen in ſome Weſt India iſlands, owing to there being very few ſpots of ſtagnated water in this iſland, and to the great quantity of land in it ſtill covered with woods.

Shortly after the reduction of this iſland by the French laſt war, the Marquis Duchilleau, then Governor, prohibited the killing of game during the breeding ſeaſon. This prohibition has ſince been made into a law, by the Engliſh Legiſlature of Dominica, as a circumſtance highly neceſſary; not only to prevent the runaway negroes from trafficking with that commodity for arms and amniunition, but alſo to preſerve the game, which would probably have become extinct, if an unlimitted power of deſtroying them had not been reſtrained.