Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/8

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It has moreover many conveniences for the ſervice of both an army and fleet, which few other Weſt India iſlands can boaſt; and was it to be well ſettled with Britiſh ſubjects, would be of material aſſiſtance to our other poſſeſſions, by furniſhing them with many articles of which they very often are greatly in need.

For the purpoſe of bringing forth to view theſe capabilities of Dominica, the following hiſtory of that iſland is ſubmitted to the candid peruſal of a generous public by the author; whoſe chief inducement for writing it, was his hope, that it might be ſome ſmall means of ſervice to a country, in which he has ſpent ſeveral years of his life, and the proſperity of which, it is his ardent wiſh to ſee ſpeedily promoted.

The hiſtory of diſtant ſettlements belonging to Great Britain, it is preſumed, cannot fail of being acceptable to every Engliſhman who wiſhes well to his country; and however deficient this eſſay of his may be, in point of erudition, correctneſs, or correſpondent circumſtances, yet, from its being the
