Page:The History of the Standard Oil Company Vol 2.djvu/297

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—the principal difference between them being the different fire tests at which they are put out. The real service of the Standard has been not this multiplication of so-called products, but in finding processes by which a poor oil like the famous Lima oil could be refined. In the case of the Lima oil the Standard claims it spent millions of dollars before it solved the problem of its usefulness. The amount of sulphur in the Lima or Ohio oil prevented its use as an illuminating oil, for the odour was intolerable, there was a disagreeable smoke, and the wick charred rapidly. The problem of deodorising it was attacked by many experimenters, and was finally practically solved by the Frasch process, which the Standard acquired after spending a large amount of money in testing its efficacy. Probably sixty per cent. of the illuminating oil used in the United States now is manufactured from an Ohio oil base.

This multiplication of varieties is, of course, a perfectly legitimate merchandising device, but it is not a development of products, properly speaking. Nor indeed was it for discoveries and inventions that the Standard Oil Trust was great in 1882, or that it is now—it is in the way it adapts and handles the discoveries and inventions it acquires. Take the matter of lubricating oils. After a long struggle it gathered to itself

    W. W. 165.
    W. W. Canadian Legal Test.
    W. W. Electric.
    W. W. Georgia Sunlight.
    W. W. Georgia S. T.
    W. W. Indiana Perfection.
    W. W. Indiana S. T.
    W. W. Iowa Perfection.
    W. W. Iowa S. T.
    W. W. Kansas Perfection.
    W. W. Kansas S. T.
    W. W. Louisiana S. T.
    W. W. Louisiana Sunlight.
    W. W. Massachusetts S. T.
    W. W. Michigan S. T.
    W. W. Minnesota S. T.
    W. W. Nebraska S. T.
    W. W. Nebraska Perfection.
    W. W. New York S. T.
    W. W. North Dakota S. T.
    W. W. Ohio Perfection.
    W. W. Ohio S. T.
    W. W. South Dakota S. T.
    W. W. South Dakota Perfection.
    W. W. Tennessee S. T.
    W. W. Tennessee Sunlight.
    W. W. Wisconsin S. T.

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