Page:The History of the Standard Oil Company Vol 2.djvu/352

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NUMBER 39A (See page 24)


[From manuscript presented to the Industrial Commission by Lewis Emery, Jr.]

This agreement, made and entered into the ninth day of October, A.D. 1883, by and between the Standard Oil Company, a corporation of Ohio, the Standard Oil Company of New York, a corporation of New York, and the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, a corporation of New Jersey, who collectively constitute the party of the first part, and the Ocean Oil Company, a corporation of New Jersey, the Chester Oil Company, a corporation of Pennsylvania, and Ayres, Lombard and Company, a corporation of New York, who collectively constitute the party of the second part.

Witnesseth: That in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereby made and entered into, the said parties do hereby covenant and agree to and with each other as follows:

First.—That for the purpose of this contract the business of refining petroleum is defined to mean the distillation of crude petroleum within the United States, without regard to where the crude is obtained; the quantity of crude petroleum received at each refinery, except for export in its crude state, shall be regarded as the quantity refined by it.

Second.—That in said business the refineries named in schedule "A" and schedule "B" (which schedules are hereto attached and made a part of this agreement) shall respectively be entitled to have and do the following percentage or proportionate part of the aggregate business of all refineries named in both schedules, viz.: The refineries named in Schedule "A," eighty-eight and one-half (88½) per cent. thereof, and the refineries named in Schedule "B," eleven and one-half (11½) per cent. thereof.

Third.—The refineries named in Schedule "A" and the refineries named in Schedule "B" shall respectively do as nearly as practicable their said proportion or percentage of said business; and is agreed that,

A.—If in any calendar month the refineries named in Schedule "A" shall receive more than their said percentage of the said aggregate of crude petroleum received except for export in its crude state, the party of the first part hereto will pay to the party of the second part hereto, twenty (20) cents per barrel on the quantity so received in excess of their said percentage.

B.—If in any calendar month the refineries named in Schedule "B" shall receive

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