Page:The History of the Standard Oil Company Vol 2.djvu/370

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not nor would either of them as a firm or as individuals directly or indirectly engage or be concerned in any business connected with petroleum or any of its products in Cuyahoga County or elsewhere, except in connection with the parties of the first part under this agreement, nor would they or either of them enter into any new business which would interfere with the time necessary to be devoted to the full and faithful conduct of the business of said adventure.

That the said William C. Scofield, Charles W. Scofield, Daniel Shurmer and John Teagle, in and by said agreement for conducting said joint adventure, further covenanted and agreed with said plaintiff that the amount of crude petroleum to be distilled by them in the business of said adventure should not exceed annually eighty-five thousand barrels of forty-two gallons each in any year, but the same should be distributed as nearly as practicable in equal quantities of 42,500 barrels of forty-two gallons each, each and every six months from the twentieth day of July, A.D. 1876, but the said 42,500 barrels might be run in a less period than six months.

That in and by said agreement for conducting the business of said joint adventure it was stipulated and agreed by both parties, amongst other things, that from the net profits of the business of said joint adventure the said defendants should first be entitled to retain and be paid the sum of $35,000 per annum while the said agreement was in force and operation, and in the case the net profits should not amount to $35,000 for any year that said agreement for conducting said joint adventure was in force and operation, then at the expiration of any such year the plaintiff should on demand pay to the said defendants a sum of money sufficient to make that amount, viz., $35,000 for any year that said agreement should be in force and operation. That all net profits over the amount of $35,000 so stipulated to belong to said defendants annually should belong and be paid to said plaintiff until the plaintiff should receive therefrom as much as said defendants had received from the net profits under the provisions of said agreement, and all net profits in excess of $70,000 annually should be divided equally between the parties thereto.

That in consideration thereof and in and by said agreement for conducting said joint adventure, the said plaintiff stipulated and agreed with the said defendants, amongst other things, that on or before the twenty-fifth day of July, A.D. 1876, it would furnish to the said defendants for them to use in the business of said joint adventure the sum of $10,000 in cash, which sum was so paid in as agreed and still remains in the business.

That the said plaintiff would receive, dock, and sell in the city of New York all oil and the products of petroleum consigned to it for sale at New York by said firm of Scofield, Shurmer and Teagle at actual cost of brokerage and handling without commissions.

That the said plaintiff would and did in said agreement guarantee to the said defendants that their share of the net profits arising from the business of said joint adventure

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