Page:The History of the Standard Oil Company Vol 2.djvu/452

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Brown, S. Q., II, 15.
Buffalo Lubricating Company, II, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100.
Burwald, H. P., II, 174, 176.
Butts, Mrs. G. C., II, 39-41.
By-products, utilization of, II, 246-251.


Camden, J. N., I, 169, 171, 197; II, 112.
Campbell, B. B., ally of Empire Transportation Company, I, 189-190; in the struggle against railway discrimination, 221; causes indictment of Standard Oil officials, 238; fights for extradition of Standard Oil officials, 247-248; effects compromise with Standard Oil, 251-255.
Carter, John J., II, 178-181.
Cassatt, A. J., denies railway discrimination, I, 144; defends discrimination, 153; before Congressional Committee on Commerce, 169; supports Empire Transportation Company in contest with Standard Oil, 186-188 ; yields to Standard Oil, 190-191; ally of Standard Oil in rebate system, 200; startling testimony in Pennsylvania courts, 227; submits to Standard Oil drawback system, 233; aids in the war on the independents, II, 8-10.
Central Association, I, 148-149.
Chess, Carley and Company, II, 33, 44-46, 48, 149, 222.
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul R. R., II, 268.
Choate, Joseph H., Standard Oil counsel before New York Senate investigating committee, II, 132, 135-136; in Ohio dissolution proceedings, 145; in New York liquidation proceedings, 258.
Church, Judge Pierson, II, 19-22.
Cincinnati and Marietta R. R., II, 78, 81.
Clark, Horace F., I, 59, 61, 92, 93.
Clark, M. B., I, 41-42.
Cleveland, as a refining centre, I, 38-39, 51-52.
Collins, C. P., II, 165.
Columbia Oil Company, 165.
Committee System, in Standard Oil Company, II, 232-233.
Common Carriers, II, 82-83; see also Drawback, Rebate.
Competition, see Predatory Competition; Underselling; Prices; Standard Oil Company.
Congressional Investigating Committee, I, 169-171; II, 137-141.
Constituent Companies, in Standard Oil Company, II, 265.
Corlett, Thomas, II, 106-107.
Crescent Pipe Line, II, 213.
Cunneen, John, II, 186.


  • Delamater, Wallace, II, 122.
  • Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R., II, 182-183, 268.
  • Denslow and Bush, I, 199-201.
  • Devereux, J. H., I, 47-48, 67, 133, 170.
  • Directorate of the Standard Oil Company, II, 266.
  • Discrimination; see Rebate; Drawback; Oppression.
  • Dividends, magnificent, II, 200-201, 208, 267-268.
  • Doane, W. H., I, 46, 47, 64, 65, 70-71.
  • Dodd, S. C. T., counsel for Standard Oil Company before New York Senate investigating committee, II, 132; in Ohio dissolution proceedings, 145; carries

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