Page:The Holy Bible (Julia Smith).djvu/31

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Jehovah to bring upon Abraham what he spake to him.

20 And Jehovah will say, The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah became great, and because their sin was exceedingly heavy,

21 I will go now and see whether they did wholly according to its cry coming to me; and if not, I shall know.

22 And the men will turn back from thence, and will go forth to Sodom: and Abraham stood yet before the face of Jehovah.

23 And Abraham will draw near, and will say. Wilt thou also destroy the with the wicked?

24 Perhaps there is fifty just in the midst of the city: wilt thou also destroy and not forgive the place for the sake of the fifty just which are within it?

25 Far be it with respect to thee doing as this word to kill the just with the wicked; and for the just to be as the wicked, far be it with respect to thee: shall not the judge of all the earth do judgment?

26 And Jehovah will say. If I shall find in Sodom fifty just, in the midst of the city, I forgive all the place for their sakes.

27 And Abraham will answer and say. Behold now, I have undertaken to speak to my Lord, and I dust and ashes.

28 If the fifty just shall lack five: wilt thou destroy for sake of five all the city? And he will say, I will not destroy, if I shall find there forty and five.

29 And he added yet to speak to him, and he will say, If forty shall be found there? And he will say, I will not do for sake of forty.

30 And he will say. Now will it not kindle to the Lord, and I will speak: If thirty shall be found there? And he will say, I will not do, if I shall find thirty there.

31 And he will say. Behold now, I have begun to speak to the Lord If twenty shall be found there? And he will say, I will not destroy for sake of twenty.

32 And he will say, Now will it not be angry to the Lord, and I will speak only this once: If ten shall be found there? And he will say, I will not destroy for sake of ten.

33 And Jehovah went forth after that he finished to speak to Abraham: and Abraham returned to his place.


AND two messengers shall come to Sodom in the evening; and Lot will sit in the gate of Sodom; and Lot will see, and will rise up to meet them, and will bow himself with the face to the earth.

2 And he will say. Behold now, lords, turn aside now to the house of your servant, and pass the night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise early and go forth to your ways. And they will say, Nay; for in the street we will pass the night

3 And he will press upon them greatly; and they will turn aside to him, and they will come in to his house; and he will make to them a drinking, and he baked unleavened loaves, and they will eat.

4 Before the men of the city shall lie down, the men of Sodom surrounded the house about, from youth, even to old age, all the people from the end.

5 And they will call to Lot, and will say to him, Where the men which came to thee this night? bring them out to us and we shall know them.

6 And Lot went forth to them to the entrance, and shut the door after him,

7 And he will say, Now my brothers, ye shall not be evil.

8 Behold now, to me two daughters who have not known man; now I will bring them forth to you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only to these men ye shall not do any thing; for, for this they came in the shadow of my city.

9 And they will say. Stand off. And they will say. This same came to sojourn, and shall he judge judgment: now will we do evil to thee above them: and they will press upon the man, upon Lot greatly, and they will come near to break the door.

10 And the men will stretch out the