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  • Concordance (Analytical) to the Bible. 311,000 References.
  • Concordance (Analytical) Appendixes (consist of) Maps, Engravings of Palestine, Facsimiles of Ancient MSS., Analytical Surveys of the Bible; Hebrew-English and Greek-English Lexicons.
  • Literal Translation of the Bible, latest edition, revised.
  • Concise Critical Comments, being Companion Vol. to above.
  • Biblical Notes and Queries. 2 Vols.
  • Marginal Readings for the English Testament, etc.
  • Chronological Index to the Old and New Testaments.
  • Dictionary and Concordance of Bible Words and Synonyma.
  • Twofold Concordance to the New Testament.
  • Twofold Translation of Matthew and Mark.
  • Variations of the Alexandrian, Vatican, and Sinaitic MSS.
  • Concordance to 8000 Changes of the Revised New Testament.
  • Critical Companion to the New Testament, or
  • Contributions to a New Revision.
  • Rabbinical Vocabulary, with list of Abbreviations, etc.
  • Lexicon to the LXX., the New Testament, and Apocrypha.
  • Romanized Index to the Hebrew-English and Greek-English Lexicons.
  • Hexaglot Genesis (History of Adam), arranged interlinearly—(Hebrew-Sam., Chaldee-Sam., Chaldee, Hebrew, Syriac, and Arabic).
  • Ethics of the (Rabbinical) Fathers.
  • Book of the Precepts (Maimonides).
  • Polyglot Reading Book, Chaldee, Hebrew, Syriac, Greek.
  • Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism (illustrated and explained, confirmed and modified).
  • Hebrew Tenses, illustrated from the cognate languages.
  • ————— Root Book,—Hebrew Grammar,—Hebrew Vocabulary—Introduction to the Hebrew Language.
  • ————— Psalms (Grammatical Analysis of) complete.
  • ————— Genesis, chap. i. to vi. (Grammatical Analysis of).
  • ————— Minor Prophets (the) (grammatical Analysis of.) complete.
  • ————— Shorter Catechism.
  • ————— Verbs (Paradigms of the) with hollow type.
  • ————— Melodies in English.
  • ————— Daniel and Ezra in—
  • Comparative Tables of the Semitic Languages.
  • Syriac Root Book.
  • ————— Version of Daniel and Ezra.
  • Christology of the Targums.
  • Root Books,—Greek, Latin, Chaldee, Samaritan (may be had separately).
  • Paradigms (complete) Hebrew, Chaldee, Samaritan, Syriac, Arabic (may be had separately).
  • Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism, in fourteen languages, viz.:— Arabic, Chaldee, Syriac, Samaritan, Dutch, French, German, Gaelic. Hebrew, Greek, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish.
  • Israelitish Gleaner and Biblical Repository (Hebrew and English).
  • Greek Version of Daniel and Ezra (from the Septuagint).
  • Syriac Version of Daniel and Ezra (from the Peshito).
  • Hebrew Version of Daniel and Ezra (a Rabbinical translation).
  • Obadiah, in Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic.
  • Gujarati Grammar and Exercises, with Key.
  • ————— The 1st and 2nd Book of Chronicles.
  • Surveys (Analytical) of the Books, Facts, and Idioms of the Bible.
  • Rabbinical Chrestomathy, on the Messianic Passages.
  • Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament.
  • Gujarati and English Dictionary, etc.
  • Hints and Helps to Bible Interpretation.

(Other works in preparation.)