The bokes of the hole Byble,
how they are named in Englyſh and Latyn / how longe they are wrytten in the allegations, how many chapters euery boke hath, and in what leafe euery one begynneth.
¶ The bokes of the fyrſt parte. | |||
Abbreuiacion. | Boke. | Chapters. | Leafe. |
Gen. | Geneſis, the fyrſt boke of Moſes. | l. | fyrſt. |
Exo. | Exodus, the ſeconde boke of Moſes. | xi. | xxiiii. |
Leui. | Leuiticus, the thyrde boke of Moſes. | xxvii. | xiii. |
Num. | Numerus, the fourthe boke of Moſes. | xxxvi. | lv. |
Deut. | Deuteronomion, the fyfthe boke of Moſes. | xxxiiii. | lxxiiii. |
¶ The bokes of the ſeconde parte. | |||
Abbreuiacion. | Boke. | Chapters. | Leafe. |
Joſ. | Joſue, the boke of Joſua. | xxiiii. | ii. |
Jud. | Judicum, the boke of the Judges. | xxii. | xiii. |
Ruth. | Ruth, the boke of Ruth. | iiii. | xxiiii. |
I.Reg. | Regum, the fyrſt boke of the kynges. | xxxi. | xxvi. |
II.Reg. | Regum, the ſeconde boke of the kynges. | xxiiii. | xl. |
III.Reg. | Regum, the thyrde boke of the kynges. | xxii. | lii. |
IIII.Reg. | Regum, the fourth boke of the kynges. | xxv. | lxvi. |
I.Par. | Paralipomenon, ye. I. boke of ye Cronicles. | xxx. | lxxix. |
II.Par. | Paralipomenon, ye. II. boke of ye Cronicles. | xxxvi. | xci. |
I.Eſd. | Eſdre, the fyrſt boke of Eſdras. | x. | cvii. |
II.Eſd. | Eſdre, the ſeconde boke of Eſdras. | xiii. | cxi. |
Heſter. | Heſter, the boke of Heſter. | x. | cxvii. |
¶ The bokes of the thyrde parte. | |||
Abbreuiacion. | boke. | Chapters. | Leafe. |
Job. | Job, the boke of Job. | xlii. | fyrſt |
Pſal. | Pſalterium, the Pſalter. | cl. | xii. |
Pro. | Prouerbia, the prouerbes of Salomon. | xxxi. | xxxviii. |
Eccle. | Eccleſiaſtes, the preacher of Salomon. | xii. | xlvii. |
Cant. | Cantica Canticorũ, Salomons balettes. | viii. | l. |
¶ The Prophetes. | |||
Abbreuiacion. | Boke. | Chapters. | Leafe. |
Eſa. | Eſaias, Eſay the prophete. | lxvi. | ii. |
Jere. | Jeremias, Jeremy the prophete. | lii. | xxiiii. |
Tren. | Treni, the lamentacions of Jeremy. | v. | xlix. |
Bar. | Baruc, Baruc the prophete. | vi. | li. |
Eze. | Ezechiel, Ezechiel the prophete. | xlviii. | lv. |
Dan. | Daniel, Daniel the prophete. | xii. | lxxvii. |
Oſe. | Oſeas, Oſeas the prophete. | xiiii. | lxxxvii. |
Joel. | Joel, Joel the prophete. | iii. | lxxxvii. |
Amo. | Amos, Amos the prophete.. | ix. | lxxxviii. |
Abd. | Abdias, Abdy the prophete. | i. | xc. |
Jon. | Jonas, Jonas the prophete. | ivi. | xci. |
Mich. | Micheas, Micheas the prophete. | vii. | xcii. |
Na. | Naum, Naum the prophete. | iii. | xciiii. |
Aba. | Abacuc, Abacuc the prophete. | iii. | xcv. |
Soph. | Sophonias, Sophony the prophete. | iii. | xcvi. |
Agg. | Aggeus, Aggeus the prophete. | ii. | xcvii. |
Zacha. | Zacharias, Zachary the prophete. | xiiii. | xcvii. |
Mal. | Malachias, Malachy the prophete. | iii. | ci. |
The Apocrypha. | |||
Abbreuiacion. | Boke. | Chapters. | Leafe. |
III. Eſdre. | Eſdre, the thyrde boke of Eſdras. | ix. | ii. |
IIII. Eſdre. | Eſdre, the fourth boke of Eſdras. | xvi. | viii. |
Tob. | Tobias, the boke of Tobias. | xiiii. | xx. |
Judith. | Judith, the boke of Judith. | xvi. | xxiiii. |
Certayne Chapiters of Heſter | vi. | xxx. | |
Sap. | Sapientia, the boke of wyſdome. | xix. | xxxii. |
Eccli. | Eccleſiaſticus, Jeſus Syrac. | li. | xxxix. |
Suſ. | Suſanna, the ſtorye of Suſanna. | i. | lvii. |
Bel. | Bel, the ſtorye of Bell. | i. | lviii. |
I. Mac. | Machabeorum, the fyrſt boke of the Mach. | xvi. | lix. |
II. Mac. | Machabeorũ, The ſecõde boke of the Mac. | xv. | lxxiii. |
The new Teſtament. | |||
Abreuiacion. | Boke. | Chapters. | Leafe. |
Math. | Mathew the Euangeliſt. | xxviii. | ii. |
Mar. | Marke the Euangeliſt. | xvi. | xvi. |
Luc. | Luke the Euangeliſt. | xxiiiii. | xxv. |
Joh. | Jhon the Euangeliſt. | xxi. | xl. |
Act. | The Actes of the Apoſtles. | xxviii. | li. |
Rom. | The Epiſtle to the Romaynes. | xvi. | lxvi. |
I. Cor. | The fyrſt Epiſtle to the Corinthians. | xvi. | lxxii. |
II. Cor. | The ſeconde Epiſtle to the Corinthians. | xiii. | lxxviii. |
Gal. | The Epiſtle to the Galathians. | vi. | lxxxii. |
Ephe. | The Epiſtle to the Epheſians. | vi. | lxxxiiii. |
Phil. | The Epiſtle to the Philippians. | iiii. | lxxxix. |
Col. | The Epiſtle to the Colloſſians. | iiii. | lxxxvix. |
I. Teſſ. | The fyrſt Epiſtle to the Teſſalonians. | v. | lxxxix. |
II. Teſſ. | The ſeconde Epiſtle to the Teſſalonians. | iii. | xc. |
I. Timo. | The fyrſt Epiſtle unto Timothy. | vi. | xci. |
II. Tim. | The ſeconde Epiſtle unto Timothy. | iiii. | xcii. |
Tit. | The Epiſtle unto Tytus. | iii. | xciiii. |
Phile. | The Epiſtle unto Philemon. | i. | xciiii. |
I. Pet. | The fyrſt Epiſtle of S. Peter. | v. | xcv. |
II. Pet. | The ſeconde Epiſtle of S. Peter. | iii. | xcvi. |
I. Joh. | The fyrſt Epiſtle of S. Jhon. | v. | xcviii. |
II. Joh. | The ſeconde Epiſtle of S. Jhon. | i. | xcix. |
III. Joh. | The thirde Epiſtle of S. Jhon. | i. | xcix. |
Heb. | The Epiſtle unto the Hebrues. | xiii. | c. |
Jac. | The Epiſtle of S. James. | v. | ciiii. |
Jud. | The Epiſtle of S. Jude. | i. | cvi. |
Apo. | The Reuelacion of S. Jhon. | xxii. | cvi. |