Page:The Homes of the New World- Vol. I.djvu/280

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he did do it—for I see him with my own eyes. He wanted to ask me so much about our schools and railroads, and one thing or another, that he invited me to come again, and see his daughters; for he said his wife could speak better English than he could. So I went again yesterday; and she's a fine knowing woman, I tell you; and his daughters are nice gals.’

“ ‘What did the Empress say to you?’

“ ‘Oh, she ask me a sight o'questions. Don't you think, she thought we had no servants in Americky! I told her poor folks did their own work, but rich folks had plenty of servants.’ ‘But then you don't call 'em servants,’ said she; ‘you call 'em help. ‘I guess, ma'am, you've been reading Mrs. Trollope?’ says I. ‘We had that ere book a-board our ship.’ The Emperor clapped his hands, and laughed as if he'd kill himself. ‘You're right, sir,’ said he, ‘you're right. We sent for an English copy, and she been reading it this very morning!’ Then I told all I knew about our country, and he was mightily pleased. He wanted to know how long I expected to stay in these parts. I told him I'd sold all the notions I brought over, and guessed I should go back in the same ship. I bid 'em good bye, all round, and went about my business. Ain't I had a glorious time? I expect you did not calculate to see me run such a rig?’

“ ‘No, indeed I did not, my lad. You may very well consider yourself lucky; for it's a very uncommon thing for crowned heads to treat a stranger with so much distinction.’

“A few days after he called again, and said, ‘I guess I shall stay here a spell longer, I'm treated so well. T'other day a grand officer come to my room, and told me that the Emperor had sent him to show me all the curiosities; and I dressed myself and he took me into a mighty fine carriage, with four horses; and I've been to the theatre and the museum; and I expect I've seen about