Page:The Homes of the New World- Vol. I.djvu/376

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It was not difficult for him to find in England men who could take an interest in a grand scheme for human happiness. A society was organised for the carrying out of Oglethorpe's plan, which became realised by a grant from George II. of the land which lay between the Savannah and Alatamaha, from the head-springs of those rivers due west of the Pacific, and which was placed for twenty one years under the guardianship of a corporation “in trust for the poor.” The common seal of the corporation bore on one side a group of silk-worms at their labour, with the motto non sibi sed aliis—not for themselves, but for others—thereby expressive of the disinterested intention of the originators, who would not receive for their labours any temporal advantage or emolument whatever. On the reverse side was represented the genius of Georgia, with a cap of liberty on her head, a spear in the one hand, and a horn of plenty in the other. The reported wealth and beauty of this land of promise awoke the most brilliant hopes for the future.

Oglethorpe sailed from England in November, 1732, with his little band of liberated captives and oppressed Protestants, amounting in number to about one hundred and twenty persons, and after a voyage of fifty-seven days reached Charleston. Immediately after his arrival in the New World, he proceeded up the Savannah river, and landed on a high bluff, which he at once selected as the site of his capital, and where Savannah now stands. At the distance of half a mile dwelt the Yamacraw tribe of Indians, who with their chief Tomo-chichi at their head, sought alliance with the strangers.

“Here is a little present,” said the red men, stretching out before him a buffalo-hide, painted on the inner side with an eagle's head and feathers. “The eagle's feathers are soft, and betoken love. The buffalo's hide is warm, and betokens protection. Therefore love and protect our little families!”