Page:The Homes of the New World- Vol. II.djvu/167

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Martensen's theological writings are known here he will produce an epoch in the religious knowledge of the New World; for the state of this presses onward to that harmonious figure in which every separate particle forms a portion of the great universal harmony. And of this kind is Martensen's Philosophical Theology.

I am at this moment greatly distressed by the intelligence of the war, which has again broken out between Denmark and Holstein. And we hoped for peace!

But that brave little people cannot lose the victory. There must be, I predict it, a good ending to the war; and Denmark will arise therefrom stronger and greater than before! May it be so; and when I again see you and my Danish friends, may we drink a skål to Denmark's honourable peace!

I inclose in your letter a few lines to Andersen. His “Fairy Tales” are universally read and loved in this country, both by great and small, as they are with us. Let me be retained in your remembrance, and regard as your

Sincerely devoted, and grateful friend



Rose Cottage, Brooklyn, August 20th. 

Delightful as it was, my dear little Agatha, to receive your letter of the 12th of July, warm as it made my heart to read of your tender regard for me, yet I was deeply grieved to find you so weak and suffering; and I feel almost a reproach of conscience that I am not with you, that I am not helping you by all means in my power, at all events as regards the sick people in the country,