Page:The Homes of the New World- Vol. II.djvu/271

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the other gentlemen asked him whether he could solve a mathematical problem “in water.” The schoolmaster seemed to be completely nonplused by this question and his new teacher began to describe the experiment to him circumstantially, in a way which certainly would very much have amused Fabian Wrede. The schoolmaster put various questions which showed that he was not at all familiar with this water art, and when soon after he left the diligence his teacher exclaimed—“Ar'nt he green for a schoolmaster?” and all burst out into laughter. They were evidently green altogether, though harmless and good-tempered. They began singing negro-songs, and sang “Oh Susanna,” “Dandy Jem from Caroline,” and others very well, and in character. After this they slept. The night was beautiful and clear, and the road not so very bad; the driver evidently good and careful. Once only did we stick fast, and then the young fellows were obliged to get out and help us along.

About half-past twelve we arrived at our journey's end without any disaster. All the world of Galena seemed to be fast asleep; even at the hotel all was silent and dark.

The porter of the “American House,” an old man with a strongly-marked English countenance, bushy eye-brows, prominent nose and chin, with an expression of humour and something gentlemanlike in his aspect and demeanour, came out with a candle in his hand, and very soon took me and my effects in charge. He showed me into a nice little room; but when I looked to see if the door would lock I found that the key would not turn. On this discovery I called to my old gentleman and showed him my difficulty. He replied that I need only set my little portmanteau against the door to secure it. “That was all that I needed for my security,” he said. But when I insisted upon it that this was not enough to satisfy me; he began working at the lock, till at length the double lock suddenly shot out, and the door was fast. That was