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neighbours were everywhere busy among the crowd begging and expostulating: ‘Don't bid on these lands! these men have been working hard on them for ten years. During all that time, they never did harm to man or brute. They were always ready to do good for evil. They are a blessing to any neighbourhood. It would be a sin and shame to bid on their lands. Let them go at the government price.’ The sale came on; the cultivators of the soil offered 1.25 dollars, intending to bid higher if necessary. But among all that crowd of selfish, reckless speculators, not one bid over them! Without an opposing voice, the fair acres returned to them! I do not know a more remarkable instance of evil overcome with good. ‘The wisest political economy lies folded up in the maxims of Christ.’

“With delighted reverence I listened to this unlettered backwoodsman, as he explained his philosophy of universal love. ‘What would you do,’ said I, ‘if an idle, thieving vagabond came among you, resolved to stay, but determined not to work?’ ‘We would give him food when hungry, shelter him when cold, and always treat him as a brother?’ ‘Would not this process attract such characters? How would you avoid being overrun by them?’ ‘Such characters would either reform or not remain with us. We should never speak an angry word, or refuse to minister to their necessities, but we should invariably regard them with the deepest sadness, as we would a guilty, but beloved son. This is harder for the human soul to bear than whips or prisons. They could not stand it; I am sure they could not. It would either melt them or drive them away. In nine cases out of ten I believe it would melt them.’ ”

Lydia Maria Child adds, “The wisest doctrine of political economy, is included in the doctrines of Christ.” As for me, these words run in my mind, “Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall possess the earth.” And