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increase of the colonies on the coast of Africa. The State of Ohio has lately taken a decided step by the purchase of a large district of country on the African coast, called Gallinas, several hundred miles in extent, and where the slave-trade was hitherto greatly carried on. Some wealthy men in Cincinnati have appropriated several thousands of dollars to this purpose; and, in consequence of this circumstance, and the new country being colonised by free negroes from Ohio—it is called Ohio in Africa. An essential barrier has thus been placed against the continuance of the slave-trade on the African coast.

A States-Convention is at the present moment being held here, which consists of one hundred and eight citizens, for the alteration, or to speak more correctly, for the development of the Constitution of the State, which is now probably fifty years old. I was present yesterday at one of the sittings, and shook hands with a considerable number of the wise fathers, most of whom are handsome, middle-aged men, with open countenances, and broad, clever foreheads. A great portion of the members are lawyers; there are however several farmers, merchants, and men of different trades. Two only of the members were unmarried men. The object which the Convention has in view is to extend the power of the people, as for example, in the appointment of judges and other official persons.

There are besides other interesting objects which are a refreshment to my inmost being. There is really in Ohio a movement of central life as well in thought as in action, which I have not met with in any other State of America. And, however it may be, I seem to be living here in the very centre of the New World.

In short, my little heart, I live. I embrace in my spirit the present and the future, in various developments, in various parts of the earth, near and afar; and I feel