Page:The Homes of the New World- Vol. II.djvu/473

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Mr. Lerner H. will take me to see the slave-market, which is one of the great sights of “the gay city.” I begin now to have a presentiment of why I must go down the Mississippi, and why I must visit New Orleans.

December 27th.—Three days' rain and bad weather in New Orleans; each day worse than the preceding, with sleet and cold. But I am quite well, my little heart; amuse myself in my excellent, cheerful room, and have to-day again one of those inward spring days which sometimes, in the midst of winter, astonish me with overflowing life, when everything within my soul lives and grows in an infinite sunshine; when every thought bursts forth into blossom, and, as it were, produces abundant harvests, in a manner which astonishes and enchants me; when the head and breast feel too narrow for the emotions and the presentiments which are agitating within, and will, as it were, burst forth; when I feel myself to be a citizen of the world, and am ready to embrace the whole world; when I live, live, live! But enough of this. I cannot, nevertheless, describe the animating impulse within me.

I embrace you and mama in the fulness of my heart; and now close and send off this letter, for I believe it is long since I last wrote home.

P.S. December 25th.—At length a bright and beautiful day after three days of incessant bad weather. And now one must be up and doing; visit asylums, schools, prisons, and drive out to plantations. I was yesterday, in the midst of the rain, surprised by a visit from unknown friends in New Orleans, warm, cordial people, so that it made me very happy. The heartfelt kindness of one young, amiable girl affected me to tears.

My new friends came with violets and invitations to go out with them to a plantation up the Mississippi, where they would show me “what slavery really is;” thus speak they who merely see it, or choose to see it,