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do wish she hadn't told about me." She waited there, and in a short time Fleuriss appeared again, running.

"Eepersip, Eepersip," she cried, "where are you?"

In a moment Eepersip had her arms around her waist, kissing her and hugging her.

"Are you coming?" she asked; "have you decided to come, Fleuriss?"

"Y-y-es," said Fleuriss, "I really have, Eepersip. I thought all dinner time, and couldn't eat, I was so 'xcited! But we must go quickly now, or they will run after us."

So they ran quickly into the woods—ran amid the trees and flowers until they were far from the house. Eepersip showed her little sister how to dance, and they danced together. She also showed her how to leap and run fast, and Fleuriss was delighted. When they grew tired, they sat down together and made fern dresses and flower wreaths. Fleuriss followed Eepersip's example, casting aside her dress, shoes, and stockings.

"Oh, how 'licious the grass feels on my bare toes!" she said, "and the soft moss. Eepersip, I feel just like a nymph." (A slight pause.) "When I saw the flowers I said: 'Mother, I think a nymph left them there,' and she said: 'Oh, no, there