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[12mo, $1.50]


Illustrations by W. Appleton Clark

This is a striking little book, striking in its simplicity and penetration, its passion and restraint.—London Times.

Vivid in its portrayal of a half-tragic situation.—The Dial.

It is a conception of great strength . . . it ought to arouse much thought.—The Interior.

[12mo, $1.25]

The Touchstone

The story is distinctly able in its grasp and penetration.—The Outlook.

Its characters are real, their motives and actions thoroughly human. And the author's art is sufficient to bring out the strength of every situation.—The Argonaut.

[12mo, $1.50]

The Descent of Man


The Descent of Man

The Mission of Jane

The Other Two

The Quicksand

The Dilettante

The Reckoning


The Lady's Maid's Ball

A Venetian Night's Entertainment

It is, of course, the extraordinary directness with which Mrs. Wharton's probe goes to the spot under inspection, the deftness with which she is able to bring to the light of day what we had hidden even from ourselves, that account for the admiration with which we regard her short stories.—London Academy.