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Plate 24.—The Sealing Room for the Living

The most easterly of the three small rooms adjoining the Celestial Room is here shown. This is the Sealing Room for the Living, wherein is solemnized the holy rite of Celestial Marriage. Marriage ceremonies for the period of mortal life alone are not performed within the Temple. The parties who come to the House of the Lord to be wedded by the authority of the Holy Priesthood for time and eternity kneel at the altar shown in this picture and there enter into eternal covenant with each other. Here, also, living children who have been born outside the pale of Celestial wedlock, though within the legally constituted state of matrimony, may be sealed to their parents provided those parents have been first sealed to each other.

The room is finished in light tints and bright tone. The door in the recess affords admittance from an ante-room.

See page 192.