Page:The Hundred Best Poems (lyrical) in the English language - second series.djvu/74

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And innocence is closing up his eyes,
Now if thou would' st, when all have given him over,
From death to life thou might'st him yet recover.

1810 Edition.

Alexander's Feast: or, the Power
of Music.

An Ode in Honour of St Cecilia's Day.

'TWAS at the royal feast for Persia won
By Philip's warlike son:
Aloft in awful state
The godlike hero sate
On his imperial throne:
His valiant peers were plac'd around;
Their brows with roses and with myrtles bound:
(So should desert in arms be crown'd)
The lovely Thais, by his side,
Sate, like a blooming eastern bride,
In flower of youth and beauty's pride.
Happy, happy, happy pair!
None but the brave,
None but the brave,
None but the brave deserves the fair.


Happy, happy, happy pair!
None but the brave,
None but the brave,
None but the brave deserves the fair.