Page:The Hussite wars, by the Count Lützow.djvu/398

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Kolin, 165; negotiates with Poland, 287; forms confederacy against Táborites, 325; at Kačin hill, 328; commands league at Lipany, 333; envoy to Brno, 352
Bradatý, Utraquist knight, leads Bohemian peasants to reinforcement of army of Prague, 46–47; assists Praguers in attack on Vyšehrad, 63, 64; killed in battle of Ústi, 194
Branda, Cardinal, raises crusade against Bohemian “heretics,” 97–100; attempts to raise second crusade, 140; recalled by papal see, 181–182; replaced by Cardinal Orsini, 188
Břenek, Lord, of Skála, killed at skirmish of Sudoměř, 22
Breslau, reasons for Sigismund’s visit to, 37–38; imperial diet at, 38–39
Brieg, capitulates to Bohemian invaders, 222
Brno (Brünn), arrival of Sigismund at, 35–36; diet at, 350–355
Čapek of San, 318; leads Orphans against Plzeň, 319; raises troop of Orphans, 330–331; conquered at Lipany, 334–335; takes part in diet at Prague, 341
Carlier, Giles, Dean of Cambrai, addresses Council of Basel on second article of Prague, 297; accompanies envoys from Basel, 303; delegate to Regensburg, 344
Časlav, assembly of Bohemian parties at, 92–96; visited by Žižka, 105; diet summoned by Korybut at, 131
Catherine, Duchess of Saxony, raises an army against Bohemians, 190
Čěnek of Wartenberg, Lord, concludes armistice with Prague, 19; appointed regent by Sigismund, 36; his character described, 36–37; becomes enemy of Sigismund, 40, 41; publishes manifesto against Sigismund, 41; his abhorrence of religious anarchism, 43; abandons national cause, 43; returns to Utraquism, 91; appointed regent of Bohemia, 94; his feud with Valečov brothers, 147–148; defeated at Horiče, 149; rejoins Utraquists, 187; dies in 1425, 187
Cesarini, Cardinal Julian, entrusted by Pope with negotiations for crusade against Bohemia, 250; his character, 250 n.; calls Germans to arms, 263–265; leads crusaders against Bohemians, 265–268; his flight from Domážlice, 268–270; his negotiations to effect reconciliation between Romanists and Utraquists, 272–275; his letter to Pope on agreement of Cheb, 284–285; prepares for reception of envoys at Basel, 290–293; his prudent guidance of Council of Basel, 293–303, 312
Chalice, emblem of Utraquists, 5
Cheb, negotiations for Council of Basel held at, 261–262; delegates of Council deliberate at, 280–284
Chomoutov (Komotan), captured by Žižka, 85–86
Christian of Prachatice, 61, 198, 199; imprisoned by citizens of Prague, 202
Chval of Machovic, appointed Táborite captain by Žižka, 34; at conference of Prague, 75
Compacts, accepted by Council of Basel, 310–312
Conrad of Breslau, Bishop, opposes Bohemian invaders in Silesia, 221–222; attends peace conference of Pressburg, 227
Conrad of Vechta, Archbishop of Prague, accepts articles of Prague and renounces allegiance to Sigismund, 86–88; consults Žižka on fate of Loquis, 116; attends meeting at Kolin, 165
Constance, Council of, its warning to heretics, 5–6
Cracow, negotiations between Hussites and Ladislas at, 253–255
Dětrich of Miletinek, expelled from Králové Hradec, 155, 156
Domážlice (Tauss), Žižka’s letter to citizens of, 29–30; rout of German crusaders at, 268–270; effect of victory at, 271
Eugenius IV, Pope, 261; commands dissolution of assembly at Basel, 273–275; letter from Cesarini to, on agreement of Cheb, 284–285; dislikes Council of Basel, 340; sends pacific letter to Prague, 359