Page:The Hymns of the Rigveda Vol 1.djvu/62

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HYMN 32.]
I will declare the manly deeds of Indra, the first that he achieved, the Thunder-wielder.
He slew the Dragon, then disclosed the waters, and cleft the channels of the mountain torrents.

2 He slew the Dragon[2] lying on the mountain: his heavenly bolt of thunder Tvashṭar[3] fashioned.
Like lowing kine in rapid flow descending the waters glided downward to the ocean.

3 Impetuous as a bull, he chose the Soma, and in three sacred beakers[4] drank the juices.
Maghavan[5] grasped the thunder for his weapon, and smote to death this firstborn of the dragons.

4 When, Indra, thou hadst slain the dragons’ firstborn, and overcome the charms of the enchanters[6],
Then, giving life to Sun and Dawn and Heaven, thou foundest not one foe to stand against thee.

5 Indra with his own great and deadly thunder smote into pieces Vṛitra, worst of Vṛitras.
As trunks of trees, what time the axe hath felled them, low on the earth so lies the prostrate Dragon.

6 He, like a mad weak warrior, challenged Indra, the great impetuous many-slaying Hero.
He, brooking not the clashing of the weapons, crushed—Indra’s foe—the shattered forts in falling.

7 Footless and handless still he challenged Indra, who smote him with his bolt between the shoulders.
Emasculate yet claiming manly vigour, thus Vṛitra lay with scattered limbs dissevered.

  1. ‘In this and subsequent Sûktas we have an ample elucidation of the original purport of the legend of Indra’s slaying Vṛitra, converted by the Paurânik writers into a literal contest between Indra and an Asura, or chief of the Asuras, from what in the Vedas is merely an allegorical narrative of the production of rain. Vṛitra, sometimes also named Ahi, is nothing more than the accumulation of vapour, condensed or figuratively shut up in, or obstructed by, a cloud. Indra, with his thunderbolt, or atmospheric or electrical influence, divides the aggregated mass, and vent is given to the rain which then descends upon the earth.’ Wilson.
  2. The Dragon: Ahi, literally a serpent.
  3. Tvashṭar is the artist of the Gods.
  4. In three sacred beakers: tríkadrukeshu; according to Sâyaṇa, on the Trikadrukas, the first three days of the Abhiplava ceremony, [MISSING TEXT].
  5. Maghavan: the wealthy and liberal; Lord Bountiful.
  6. The charms of the enchanters: magical or supernatural powers ascribed to Vṛitra and his allies.