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The New Unionism

By Andre Tridon

“A clear statement of the philosophy and practice of Syndicalism, its history, and present status all over the world.”

200 pages, cloth $1.10, paper 30 c.


THE I. W. W. ITS HISTORY, STRUCTURE, AND METHODS By Vincent St. John. The title of this pamphlet explains the contents. This is a new, revised edition. Now 82 pages with diagram, price 5 c.

PATRIOTISM AND THE WORKER By Gustave Hervé. This is the well known anti-military speech delivered by the author to the jury at the trial of the Paris Anti-Militarists. Nothing is better than this for anti-military propaganda. 82 pages, price 10 c.

ELEVEN BLIND LEADERS By B. H. Williams. A reply to “leading socialists” on the subjects: “Co-operatives,” “Government Ownership,” “Labor Legislation,” and “Revolutionary Industrial Unionism.” 82 pages, price 10 c.

WHY STRIKES ARE LOST; HOW TO WIN By W. E. Trautmann. The author shows as the name suggests the reasons for the failure of strikes due to the defects in form and tactics of craft unions, and points the way to waging of successful struggles. This pamphlet has had a larger circulation than any other work of Industrial Union Propaganda. 24 pages, price 5 c.

THE FARM LABORER AND THE CITY WORKER, A Message To Both, By Edward McDonald. This pamphlet is unequaled for distribution among the workers in the most important of the basic industries, the agriculture industry. 16 pages, illustrated with cartoons dealing with conditions on the job. Price 5 c.


INDUSTRIAL UNIONISM AND THE I. W. W. By Vincent St. John. A fine piece of propaganda literature for general distribution. 16 pages, price 2 c. $1.00 per hundred to Locals.

HOW TO OVERCOME THE HIGH COST OF LIVING By T. F. G. Dougherty. By means of “The One Big Union” of the workers using direct action on the job, as against the palliatives of the reformers. 16 pages, price 2 c.


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Cleveland, Ohio