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Structure of the I. W. W.


Local Industrial Unions

One local union for each industry in each locality or district. Local Industrial Unions are branched as the need of each industry requires.

National Industrial Unions

All Local Industrial Unions of the same industry into National Industrial Unions of that industry. An Executive Board of not more than 21 members, and Secretary-Treasurer.

District Industrial Councils

All local unions of all industries in a given locality or district. An Executive Council of one delegate from each Local Industrial Union, and a Secretary-Treasurer.

Industrial Departments

National Industrial Unions of closely allied industries into Industrial Departments. An executive board of one member from each National Industrial Union, and a Secretary-Treasurer.

General Organization

All Industrial Departments combined into the General Organization with International Affiliation.
General Executive Board of one member from each Industrial Department. A General Secretary-Treasurer, and a General Organizer.