Page:The Iliad in a Nutshell, or Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice - Wesley (1726).djvu/29

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And friendly aid to Frogs amphibious lent,
For Frogs the watry Deities ador'd.
295 He bids the Seas produce their secret Store;
And lay their Treasures on the neighb'ring Strand:
The Seas obsequious[1] on the Banks out pour,
Unnumber'd Cockle-shells, as thick as sand.
Distinct with Golden Specks of palest Red,
300 Rich various-colour'd Helms, to grace, and guard the Head.

Breast-plates of Beets, of Mallows Greaves they chose,
Becoming arms for martial Frogs to wear.
Thick Leaves of Cabbage light their Shields compose,
Whose spongy Texture deads the thrilling Spear.

  1. v. 297. The Seas obsequious.] See the Note upon the arming the Mice l. 211. To which may be added this fine Remark of the last cited Author. To express Physical Truths poetically, we must not say Salt preserves dead Bodies, or Flies fill them with Maggots; but that Achilles fearing the hot Season might taint the Carcase of his Friend, gets his Mother Thetis, Goddess of the Sea, which is salt, to perfume it with Ambrosia.
