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signed to command of Fort Delaware prison that he might be kept under surveillance from Washington City. Report also said Capt. A. A. Ahl, his A. A. General, was forced upon him as a spy, and was not at all agreeable to the General. Ahl was the monitor placed over him by Secretary of War Stanton. If this report be true or false I do not know; but this I do know, that Captain Ahl did most intensely hate Confederate prisoners of war, and it is susceptible of proof that all the drastic orders issued for the government of Fort Delaware military prison were the conceptions and work of this fellow Ahl, and their enforcement compelled by his diction and domination over General Schoepf. While Fort Delaware prison was a hell upon earth for both officers and men,—Confederate prisoners of war—it is said by prisoners of war confined in other Northern prisons to be the best of the lot. This fact cannot be denied: where large numbers of men are confined and huddled together in a