Page:The Imperial Durbar Album of the Indian princes, chiefs and zamindars.djvu/103

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JAISALMER is founded by a very ancient family descended from the Yadawas or Jadhawas of the Chandra-Bansi or lunar race, who were paramount in India at a very early period. The descendants of this race settled beyond the Indus, and one of them founded Ghizni in Afganistan from where the tribe was driven into the Punjab part of which was conquered by Shalivahan, who founded Shalbhanpur after his name, which has been identified with Sialkot. His son Bhatti, a great warrior, gave his name to- the clan in 280 A.D., and founded the city called Bhatner in the Punjab. After several moves, the Jadhawas settled in the desert of India, and in 1 156 A.D. founded the town of Jaisalmer which was named after Jaisal, who became the first Maharawal The town stands on ,a low ridge of lime-stone hills. Emperor Allauddin sacked the place in 1204 A.D. The twenty-fifth Maharawal Sabal Singh acknowledged the supremacy of the Moguls in 1650 A.D. and got the command of 6,000 horse, and the Fish Insignia (Mahi Maratib). The family was now at the height of its power, as it held the whole of Bahawalpur and many districts in Marwar and Bikaner.

Maharawal Mulraj was the first prince with whom the British Government entered into a treaty of unity and friendship in 1818 A.D. He died in 1820 A.D. and was succeeded by his grandson Maharawal Gaj Singh. In 1826 A.D. Ratan Singh, the Chief of Bikaner, sent a large army against Gaj Singh, which marched up to a few miles of Jaisalmer. Maharawal Gaj Singh prepared to meet it; but the British Government and the Maharana of Udaipur interfered and the dispute was amicably settled.

During the war with the Amirs of Sindh in 1838 A.D., Maharawal Gaj Singh supplied camels to the British Government for transporting their army to Sindh In 1844A.D., the forts of Shahgarh, Garsia. and Ghosaru, which were once under the sway of Jaisalmer Chiefs, were Recovered from Amir Ali Murad and restored to Gaj Singh by the British in recognition of his services to them. Gaj Singh died in 1846 A.D. and was succeeded by Ranjit Singh. In 1862 A.D. the sanad of adoption was granted to the Jaisalmer Chief. Maharawal Ranjit Singh died in 1864 A.D. without issue, and his younger brother Bairi Sal succeeded him. Maharawal Bairi Sal was granted an Imperial flag in honour of the Queen of England being proclaimed 'Empress of India' at the Imperial Assemblage at Delhi on the 1st January 1877 A.D.

On the death of Maharawal Bairi Sal in 1891 A.D., the present Chief was adopted by the widows, of Bairi Sal and with the concurrence of the Paramount Power was placed on the gadi as His Highness Maharajadhiraj Maharawal Shalivahan Bahadur. In 1908 A.D. the Maharawal was invested with full powers of administration and since then he has been ruling his State with credit.

The area of State is 16,060 square miles with a population of 73.370 and revenue of nearly one lac of Rupees.

The Maharawal of Jaisalmer State has a salute of 15 guns and possesses full civil and criminal powers.