Page:The Imperial Durbar Album of the Indian princes, chiefs and zamindars.djvu/121

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Rana Pratap Singh was born on the 12th of September 1881 A.D. and was adopted by the dowager Rani, Pratap Kunwar, with the sanction of the Government of India, on the 10th of March 1891 A.D. At the time of installing Pratap Singh on the gadi, it was publicly declared that he succeeded in virtue of his selection by the Paramount Power and not in consequence of any natural or artificial relationship with the deceased Chief. Pratap Singh was installed in an open Durbar at Barwani on the 8th of June 1891 A.D. The Rana joined the Daly College at Indore in the same year. After spending seven years there, he returned to his capital in 1899 A.D. Since then he has been ruling the State.

By an agreement passed in 1868 A.D., the State of Ali-Rajpur contributes Rs. 1,475 per annum towards the cost of the Malwa Bhil Corps and is also under an obligation to cede to the British Government, full jurisdiction over any lands that might be required for Railway purposes.

The area of Ali-Rajpur is 836 square miles. Its population according to the census of 1901 is 50,185. The total normal revenue of the State is one lac of rupees.

Rana Pratap Singh of Ali Rajpur is entitled to a salute of 9 guns.