Page:The Imperial Durbar Album of the Indian princes, chiefs and zamindars.djvu/146

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JHABUA is a guaranteed chiefship under the Bhopawar Agency, Central India. The State takes its name Jhabua from the chief town, which was founded by Jhabbu Naik, who was a notorious freebooter in the sixteenth century. The rulers of Jhabua are Rathor Rajputs, descended from Bir Singh, fifth son of Jodha, the founder of Jodhpur state in Rajputana. This branch of the family rose to favour at Delhi and acquired Badnawar in Malwa as a fief in 1584 A.D. Kesho Das, son of Bhim Singh, who then held Badnawar, was in the service of Prince Salim, who, on his accession as Emperor Jahangir employed him to subdue the turbulent freebooters of Malwa. After suppressing them, Kesho Das obtained possession of their lands. In 1607 A.D. he was invested with the insignia of nobility by the Emperor, but died the same year, poisoned by his son and heir. From this time the State was subjected to much internal disturbance and the confusion was greatly increased by the invasion of the Mahrattas on Malwa in 1722 A.D. The next year the state came under the management of Holkar during the minority of the Chief. In 1770 A.D. the revenues were merely nominal owing principally to Mahratta oppression, though singularly enough, Holkar left the collection and payment of the Chauth which was his due, to the Jhabua State.

During the settlement of Malwa by Sir John Malcolm, the State was guaranteed to the family of Kesho Das. Raja Gopal Das ( 1840-94 A.D. ) rendered good service in assisting the fugitives from Bhopawar during the Mutiny of 1857 A.D., in recognition of which he was presented with a Khilat of rupees 12,500. In 1865 A.D., however, he permitted a prisoner, confined under suspicion of theft, to be mutilated, for which a fine of rupees 10,000 was imposed, and his salute was discontinued for one year.

The present Chief, Udai Singh, succeeded by adoption in 1894 A.D. and was invested with administrative powers in 1898 A.D.

The Raja maintains a small military force and pays. rupees 1,474 towards the cost of the Malwa Bhil Corps.

The area of the State is 1,336 square miles with a population of 80,889, principally Bhils.

The Ruler of Jhabua, His Highness Raja Udai Singh Bahadur, is entitled to a salute of 1 1 guns and to be received in a separate Durbar by His Excellency the Viceroy.