Page:The Imperial Durbar Album of the Indian princes, chiefs and zamindars.djvu/192

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BAWDA is one of the nine feudatory jahagirs subordinate to the Kolhapur State under the Political Agency of Kolhapur and Southern Mahratta Country. The ruling chief is a Deshastha Brahman belonging to the Bhadnekar family.

The jahagir derives its name from one of the fifteen forts built by Raja Bhoja of Panhala in the twelfth century A.D. It is situated on a peak of the Sahyadri, about thirty'six miles from Kolhapur.

In 1660 A.D. Shiwaji took Bawda from Ali Adil Shah II of Bijapur along with the forts of Vishalgarh and Rangna, and gave it as a jahagir to Nilo Sondeo. In 1689 A.D., when Sambhaji was captured, the fort fell into the hands of the Moguls. It was during the reign of Rajaram that Ramchandra Nilkanth, the founder of the Bawda family, took the fort from the Moguls ; and it was bestowed on him as a grant.

During the rivalry between Satara and Kolhapur, Ramchandra Rao remained faithful to his party, and in recognition of this, the fort of Bawda together with its jahagir was allowed to remain with Bhagwant Rao, the son and successor of Ramchandra Rao, who was given the office and title of Pant Amatya. In 1800 A.D. Bhagwant Rao repaired the fort. In 1844 A.D. the gadkaris (warders) of the forts of Bawda and Samangarh rebelled. Both the forts were taken by British troops under General Delamonte, and dismantled.

Moreshwar Rao Babasaheb, the third Pant Amatya in succession from Bhagwant Rao, died in 1868 A.D. without issue. He adopted the present Chief, who was ten years of age, a few days before his death.

During the minority of Madhao Rao Moreshwar, the jahagir was under the supervision of the Kolhapur State. Madhao Rao Moreshwar Pant Amatya was invested with full powers in 1881 A.D.

The area of the State is 243 square miles having a population of 45,475 inhabitants and a gross revenue of Rs. 1,49*991, of which he pays Rs. 3,420 as service commutation to the Kolhapur State.

The Chief exercises the powers of a District Judge in civil matters. In criminal matters he has power to try cases involving imprisonment up to 7 years.