Page:The Imperial Durbar Album of the Indian princes, chiefs and zamindars.djvu/249

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THE family of the Chief of Lunawada belongs to the Solanki clan of Rajputs, and claims descent from Sidh Raj of Anhilwar Pattan. Vir Bhadraji, an ancestor of the Chief of Lunawada, is said to have established himself at Virpur in 1225 A.D. But in 1434 A.D. the family removed to Lunawada. There is a very interesting legend as to how the town of Lunawada was founded. Rana Bhim Singhji, a descendant of Vir Bhadraji, who was then the ruling prince, once went out hunting and while pursuing a hare in the jungle was separated from his followers. Proceeding further he came across a sage whom he pleased by. his deportment. The sage bid him continue the chase and build a town where he may be able to kill a hare. The Rana did so, and marked the spot where he killed a hare. The sadhu was the devotee of the god Luneshwar in honour of whom the Rana named the town Lunawada.

The first chief of this family, of whom we have any authentic information, was Dayal Singh. He appears to have been ninth in descent from Bhim Singhji. His great-grandson, Nur Singhji, ruled in the beginning of the eighteenth century. During this century the State was overrun by the Mahomedans and the Mahrattas, and for some time Lunawada was tributary both to the Gaekwar and the Sindhia. In 1808 A.D. Fatteh Singh came to the gadi; he was not only troubled by the Mahomedans and the Mahrattas only but also by his brother, Sheo Singh, who rebelled against him and Rana thrice plundered the town of Lunawada.

In the year 1812 A.D. the State entered into an engagement, through the medium of the Political Agent, Mahi'Kantha, to pay to the Gaekwar government a tribute of Siyashaee Rupees 6,001 per annum, without the intervention of the Mulukgin army. In the year 1822 A.D. these engagements were renewed, and made perpetual, and the State became formally entitled to British protection in accordance with the terms of the convention of April 3rd, 1820 A.D. Previous to this, that is, in the year 181 9 A.D. another engagement had been entered into between the British Government and the Sindhia, in which the former guaranteed the punctual payment of tribute by Lunawada to the latter. '

The present Chief of Lunawada is Maharana Shri Sir Wakhat Singhji. He was born in the year i860 A.D. and succeeded to the gadi of Lunawada in 1867 A.D. when he was a minor. He was invested with the administration of his State in 1 880 A.D. and was honoured with the title of K. C. I. E. in 1889 A.D.

The area of the State is 388 square miles with a population of 63,967 according to the census of 1901 A.D. The revenue of the State amounts to about 1 lac of rupees.

His Highness Maharana Shri Sir Wakhat Singhji K.C.l.E. enjoys a salute of 9 guns.