Page:The Imperial Durbar Album of the Indian princes, chiefs and zamindars.djvu/296

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VISHALGARH is. a feudatory State under Kolhapur. It takes its name from the historical fort of Vishalgarh which lies on the extreme west overlooking the Konkan. It is at a height of about- 3,350 feet from sea>level, and commands a beautiful view of, nearly. half the Konkan. Till 1844 A.D: the chiefs of Vishalgarh used to reside in the fort, b&t since then they have been residing at Malkapur, the principal town" of the State, about 30 miles to the ndrtlvwesf of Kolhapur.

The celebrated historical personage ParShuram" Trimhak Pratinidhi may be said to be the founder of both Y'shalgarh .and Aundh families. He distinguished himself during the latter haff ^of, the seventeenth century, and secured the' high rank of 'Pratinidhi' or, the viceroy, in, the -time of Rajaram. -

The Kolfiapur and Satara principalities were finally separated in 1740 A.D. by the treaty between Raja Shahu of Satara arid Sambhaji Raja of Kolhapur. Since then the Pratinidhi family of Vishalgarh became permanently connected with the Kolhapur State. The British Government, in their treaty with the Kolhapur State, in the year 1862 A.D., have guaranteed the protection of rights and privileges the Vishalgarh State, along with those ,of the states,- ojF Bawda, Vagal, and Ichalkaranji.

The present ruling Cniefi Shrimant Abasaheb, is the eleventh Pratinidhi in the Vishalgarh family founded ' by "Krishnajt, ihe eldest^ sbn of Parshuram Trimbak. Shrimant Abasaheb is the - son* of Krishna Rao HI and- succeeded him in 1871 A.D. He was invested with full powers over his State on -the 24th of November 1891 A.D. by the then Political Agent, Col. Wpdehouse 1 . .Since he assumed the reins of the State, the administration has been carried on to the -satisfaction of the Kolhapur State as well as

the ' British Government. ,

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Shrimant Abasaheb has three sons, the eldest of whom Shrimant Bhawan Rao

is an ■ undergraduate of the Bombay University, -and "as prosecuting his further studies

in the Deccari College JM Poona...

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The VishalgarJv State ^contains in all 66 villages, with an area of 235 square

miles... The population of the State" is 35,258, and its revenue is about 1,77,000 rupees.